Friday, January 11, 2008

Work Update!

Just wanted to give you a little update on what we've been up to/will be up to as far as work.



Just kidding. We are working on a lot of different things right now. Let's try this again.

-Still working with the baseball team- the wiffle balls I received have helped practice a ton. Our numbers are down a little bit as school hasn't started back up so the kids are working, but I have a pretty solid core. The regional tournament that we have to win is in March. There is also a little problem of getting money for uniforms. So that's baseball.
-I'm working with Emily's work to try to start a youth soccer league. It is going to be a lot of work but the goal is that once it gets going it will sustain itself and won't need any help from me. So I have been researching uniform costs, how to construct goals, league rules, trying to form a board of directors, and that sort of stuff. It's definitely a challenge but something that the kids really deserve.
-I'll be starting an English class for teachers in March. The teachers will teach their students English and I will observe and support them. This is a project supported by the Honduran Ministry of Education.
-I've got a bunch of old film cameras (and film) and I'd like to use them to do some sort of photography project with the high school.

-Emily has a really exciting project on the horizon. There is a house for pregnant women in our neighboring town. Poor women from the aldeas (villages) can stay there for a couple weeks when they are going to give birth (so they are near the hospital). Emily is creating a program to work with the women on health and nutrition for their babies, as well as breathing techniques for the labor.
-In the middle of our park is a brand new kiosk, and Emily would like to start a business there with a group of high school youth. She is working with a business volunteer in the neighboring town to get this done. Things won't really get going until school is back in session.
-She is also teaching community English classes to adults.
-Every Wednesday is story hour at the library for the little kids.

So, this is what we've been up to/will be up to in the near future. Some of these things will work out a lot better than others. We're still really in the beginning of our service and trying to find our niche in what exactly we'll be doing. In a couple weeks we have a "reconnect" workshop with other youth volunteers where we'll learn about new and different projects, as well as discussing what has been working and what hasn't. Till next time...


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