Saturday, July 28, 2007

We have PHOTOS!

I´ve added a link to the webpage with our photo albums. There aren´t too many pictures in there yet because it takes about 15 minutes to add one photo, but I´ll be adding more in the future.
As far as us, things are well. We have a lime tree and and I made a lot of fresh limeade today, it was quite wonderful but I drank a little too much. Saturday is always a cleaning day. This morning, Emily went on a trip with some girls and I cleaned the house and washed clothes for a couple hours! For those worried about the afraid, be very afraid...we kill about 5 spiders everyday.


Anonymous said...

SPIDERS! kyler, I thought you were terrified of them.. guess you are getting over your fear! well done! we miss you!


kd said...

Does this mean you're becoming more mature regarding spiders - - - oh, no! I'm glad things are going well for you. We miss you. The next time we talk, Jeff and I will be grandparents again. :-)