Saturday, January 19, 2008

"O'bama"...sounds like...

Sometimes I enjoy passing time by hanging out around the park and just talking to people- the kids who take the money for the shuttle buses, the police officers, and this teenager with polio who is in a wheelchair. I didn't even know polio was still around anymore. How sad, that this kid has a disease that could have been prevented by getting a vaccine when he was a child. Anyways, just hanging out and seeing what happens can lead to some interesting conversations, like this next story...

I was asked an interesting question from one of the local police officers while I was hanging out in the park the other day. Before he asked, he did the look around to see who was around and then lowered his voice, so I knew it was going to be something good. He wanted to know what I, as a U.S. citizen, thought of Barack O’bama, because personally, he was a little worried. He prefaced his comments by saying “I know you guys are all into that equality stuff, but…” He was worried because Barack’s name doesn’t sound “American,” and not only does it not sound American, but it sounds a lot like the names in the countries that we are “at war” with. He also wanted to know where O’bama was born and if I was worried as well. I told him that I was not worried about O’bama actually being a terrorist and he shouldn’t believe everything Rush Limbaugh says. In the end, I think I calmed his fears and convinced him that O’bama would be as good a man as any to lead our country.

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