Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Little Things...

We've been here for awhile, so things that may have at first been new and different are now just "life." But then every once in awhile you see something that reminds you, "this isn't typical for most people." I've had a few of those moments lately, and they've been fun.

I was waiting in line at the corner store to buy a soda, but I was waiting next to a horse that belonged to the guy in front of me. I thought, I've never been standing next to a horse at a 7-11. The guy was actually buying minutes for his cell phone, and he proceeded to jump on the horse and make a call as he rode off.

Sticking with the horse theme, I was walking Vago (the dog) down to the river so he could splash around when I passed three of the 4th graders all riding on the back of one horse. It was an odd site to see three little kids on a horse together, with no adult in site, and of course they knew how to handle that thing.

I was at the park playing basketball with some of the grade schoolers when they had to make a decision about who would be on my team. Instead of flipping a coin the little girl picks up a leaf and spits on it, then tells the boy to choose "dry or wet." Just one of those things that is so normal to them and so interesting to others (me).

That's it for now. It's the hot dry season so there's lots of dust and we're struggling through the 80 degree weather. Wish us luck with that.

ps. the picture is just a panorama I took from a friends farm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! Love your posts. Keep em coming!!I'm glad you are getting to experience such neat, lifechanging experiences!!
Love, Mom